Join us at Darebin Presbyterian Church for our 2024 staycation!

Attendees, please view the Infopack for more details

REGISTRATIONS ARE CLOSED - however please contact Zoë if you wish to attend the Saturday dinner as there may still be tickets available.

We’re very excited to spend time together over three days from the 3rd to 5th May. DPC Staycation 2024 is a great opportunity for all ages and stages of our church family to connect with one another, reach out and make new friends and have some fun! We will also take time to hear from God’s word and reflect on how we are all welcomed into the family of Jesus, who will always reach out to us, and is perfectly both strong and kind. Please join us for the full event (or as much as you can).


Guest Speaker

Andy May (Bundoora Presbyterian Church and assessor elder at DPC)

Dietary requirements

You can let us know your dietary requirements in the registration form. Dietary conditions can be catered for, or reach out to us if you have any questions.

Ticket options

Staycation Ticket (includes access to the full program except for Saturday dinner)

Staycation PLUS Dinner (includes full access plus Saturday church family dinner)

Saturday Dinner only (for those that can only make Saturday dinner)

Ages 18+ = adult ticket

Ages 4-17 = child ticket

Ages 0-3 = Free

It helps us out if you can register ASAP so that we can make sure we can prepare for everyone's needs. You can let us know your dietary requirements in the registration form.

Please chat to Ken if you have any questions or email Ken at Session.Clerk@darebinpc.com.au.


Gospel Communities



If you want to grow as a Christian, you need to be deeply connected with two things: God’s Word and God’s people.  The best way to do that at DPC is to join a Gospel Community.


What they're about

We want our Gospel Communities to be places where people genuinely share all the ups and downs of life with one another – more than that – we want them to be places where people can work out what it looks like to live out the truth of the gospel in every area of the lives. 

When do they occur?

Gospel Communities meet on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings.  On a typical night people will share some food, discuss a particular passage from the Bible, pray for each other, and generally just share life. 

Contact Adam Humphries if you want to know more about Gospel Communities


Connect Groups



At Darebin Presbyterian Church, we are passionate about seeing people mature in their faith by becoming increasingly more like Jesus Christ.  This spiritual transformation reveals itself in people living fruitful and God-honouring lives in community and it grows through the following, all done in the context of a personal relationship with Jesus (John 15:5): 

  • Renewing minds – Growing in our Christian thinking helps us the see the world through gospel eyes. (Romans 12:2)

  • Shaping character – Growing in our Christlike character helps us to live out the gospel in all of life. (Colossians 3:12-14)

  • Building spiritual habits – Growing healthy spiritual habits keeps us grounded in Christ and his gospel. (Colossians 2:6-7)

  • Growing together – Growing a desire to spur one another on keeps the body of Christ maturing together. (Ephesians 4:15-16) 

Our church services and Gospel Communities (GCs) play a key role in this but sometimes an additional approach is needed.  That is why we also offer Connect Groups (CGs) which are an opportunity for individuals to connect with God’s Word and God’s people in a smaller setting and which might cater better for someone’s particular needs for a season.



A CG is a group of 3-4 people at DPC who meet regularly to read the Bible (or a Christian book) and pray.  They are sort of like prayer triplets where people encourage one another through conversation and prayer however they involve more than prayer and they aren’t limited to just three people in a group.  

A CG might meet weekly, fortnightly or monthly.  The goal is to spend some time in the Word of God or discussing a book that aids in Christian growth so that together you can mature.

A particular benefit of CGs is that they enable you to develop healthy spiritual habits. It is easy in a larger setting to be passive but in a small group, you will be encouraged to read the Bible for yourself, to practice praying for the needs of others and to look to Jesus for shaping your priorities in life.


We encourage you to find some people at DPC to form a CG.  While we can certainly help you out if you are having trouble finding others, we want these to mostly develop naturally out of existing connections or to develop through you being bold in asking some people you may not know that well.  

Once you have formed a CG, please register using the button above so that we can send you a “CG Pack” with some information, resources and goodies.  It’s important for you to discuss with your CG what you would like to study at first, how often your group will meet, where you will meet and how long you think your group may stay together.  You could always set a check-in date (e.g. 3 months or 6 months) where you will reassess whether you want to keep meeting. 


A CG is not intended to be a prayer group where there is no Bible content (or other formal Christian content).  Also, they are not counselling or support groups. They are meant to help us connect with God not just with each other and so that means we need input.  

A CG is also not a replacement for joining a Gospel Community.  While it may be easier for someone to join a CG due to their life circumstances or their current stage in their spiritual journey, it cannot fulfil all the outcomes of a GC.  GCs are more diverse in their makeup which helps us grow in the context of various relationships.  GCs have designated leaders for teaching and offering pastoral care.  GCs have carefully chosen content to ensure a range of topics are covered that promote a breadth of Christian maturity.  Therefore, our priority will always be to encourage people to join a GC first and a CG will usually be an additional group.

A CG is not a lifelong commitment. While some groups may want to meet for years, it is intended that members will think in terms of seasons and that each CG will have a natural lifespan or a point at which people review whether they wish to keep meeting together.



We want these groups to grow organically but we believe that having a centralised resource base and a unified approach to how they run will help us to work together as a church in meeting our vision. It also ensures people don’t miss out if groups just spring out organically from sub-demographics or if they are simply not able to find others to form a group with.


Content for your CG can be as easy as picking a book of the Bible and just reading a chapter each time you get together. You could start with Mark or Psalms 1-10 or 1 John.

Below are a variety of Christian books that you might like to consider using.

For more recommendations or questions about these resources, contact Adam Humphries.

Children at DPC 

Children are valued members of the DPC church family.  Below are some ways they can get involved.

Sunday Services

God loves kids and invites them to know him. Every Sunday service includes a short interactive talk to help children and adults engage with the the truth of God’s Word together.

Immediately after this talk, the children’s age group programs begin and run until the end of the service. Our team of trained volunteers provide a safe and fun environment for children and youth to explore and grow in faith as they learn about Jesus through the Bible.


Visitors are always welcome. No previous experience or knowledge of Christianity is required. DPC Kids Leaders will be wearing lanyards and are happy to answer any questions that you may have. See below for our exciting age groups.

All leaders and volunteers adhere to the Presbyterian Church of Victoria’s Safe Church Policy and hold a valid Working With Children Check.

Youth Group

Running on Friday nights, DPYouth is a place for those in Years 6-12 to hang out, have fun and spend time thinking and learning about what it means to know, trust and love Jesus.

Please contact us if you would like to know more information on any of the above