Bible Reading


Personal Bible Reading

Often it can be helpful to have a particular plan or strategy to help you read the Bible more regularly and fruitfully.  You might find some of the resources listed below helpful.  

Swedish Method Bible Study

COMA Bible Study 

5x5x5 Bible Reading Plan

Check out these helpful videos produced by The Bible Project that give overviews of different books of the Bible.  


Bible Reading Plans

The Bible provides the clearest and most certain revelation of God’s character and will.  If you want to enjoy the deep satisfaction of knowing and serving his son, Jesus, then reading the Bible is essential for you!  Using a reading plan can be helpful to keep you on track. You could read the whole Bible in a year (or two) or just read a section of the Bible (the New Testament, the Psalms, Paul’s letters).

Here are some recommended resources that can help you:

  • Bible Project has a massive library of videos that teach the Bible and equip people to read it. The reading plans incorporate videos (covering book and theme overviews) alongside Bible passages for each day.

  • Robert Murray M’Cheyne’s classic plan (1842) ambitiously takes you through the whole Bible in a year (twice through the New Testament and Psalms) and moves you across different parts of the Bible in parallel. In 2020, the Gospel Coalition developed resources to go alongside this plan (devotional reflections, articles and a podcast). Check out the relaunch for 2021 at

  • Stephen Witmer has a two year Bible reading plan that takes a slower (and perhaps more achievable) approach, including catch-up days. He goes through a book of the Bible at a time but often breaks them up into literary units where the chapter divisions are unhelpful. Download a PDF at

  • The Jesus Disciple “Whole Bible” Reading Plan covers the whole Bible in a whole year but attempts to do so in chronological order and linking passages together. For example, while reading about events in David’s life in 1 Samuel you will also read psalms he wrote in connection to those events or while reading about certain kings you will also read the words of the prophets who ministered to them. This is best for people already familiar with the Bible who can appreciate the connections and manage jumping between various books. Check it out here -

  • Alternatively, simply search for partial Bible reading plans in YouVersion and read the New Testament or the Gospels of Paul’s letters or the Minor Prophets!

  • There is a great list here of 18 Bible reading plans.

  • Finally, make sure you check out the Dwell Bible app which is a wonderful resource with loads of reading plans. It is a little pricey but you won't regret it! And lifetime subscriptions often go on sale so if you start with a trial, you might be able to get a bargain later.


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Prayer meetings

We hold a Kingdom Prayer and Praise meetings throughout the year.

Monthly prayer point bookmarks are also available at the Welcome Hub.

Online prayer meetings:

In-person prayer meetings are held at our church property.

  • 3:00pm Sunday February 16th 2025

  • 3:00pm Sunday March 16th 2025

  • 3:00pm Sunday April 13th 2025

  • 3:00pm Sunday May 11th 2025

  • 3:00pm Sunday June 15th 2025


MISSION HANDS – Please be praying!

Lots of things have been changing in the midst of COVID-19 but DPC’s vision remains the same: we long to see our family and friends come to experience the deep satisfaction that comes through knowing and serving Christ. So why not write the names of five people you would like to see come to know Christ and begin praying for them?




The below links might be useful for regulars and members

Easter Resources

Easter can be a hard season to prepare for spiritually. Many people observe Lent, which typically involves giving up something for 40 days. However, this can easily lead to self-reliance, pride or faith in traditions. Or it can lead to shame and frustration because, let’s face it, Lent goes for a long time! In this file you will find some recommended resources to help you in preparing for Easter. Some follow the timeframe of Lent (starting on March 2nd in 2022) and others can be used over the 2-3 weeks prior to Easter (which is Sunday April 17th in 2022) but they are all thoroughly biblical and are designed to strengthen faith by focusing us on Jesus.

Link to Easter Resources 2022


Links to past sermons can be found here. Some weeks we have had technical difficulties where the recording has been lost, or we are unable to upload it. We apologize in advance and are trying to reduce how often this occurs. 

Link to sermons.


Safe Church


The Presbyterian Church is committed to ensuring that all our churches are safe places for everyone to learn about Jesus - especially children.

The Safe Church Policy summarises our commitments. For more information, please visit the Safe Church Unit website (

For DPC attendees wishing to volunteer in a Children’s Ministry or leadership role, please speak to our Safe Church Representative, Zoë Sum (, to determine the approval processes and training you may need to fulfil.

For all other Safe Church queries or concerns, please contact the Safe Church Unit ( If you would like assistance with this, please speak to Zoë Sum.